There is something about getting to the front of a queue that makes the hideous, time-wasting, waiting bit of it all, almost worth it. I can’t think of a better example of this than, aged nine, finally getting an elbow on the countertop of the school tuck shop: my bag of penny sweets were only moments away from being in my hand.
The school tuck shop. I was bought back there with a bang last week when I arrived home to a huge hamper chock-full of goodies I hadn’t seen since I was a child. Courtesy of the lovely chaps at Tuck, there was popping candy, Dip Dabs, Sherbet Fountains, Love Hearts, cola cubes, flying saucers…you name it.
And did I mention the candy necklaces?
When Karl Lagerfeld sent double-C versions of the classic candy necklace down the Chanel runway at Paris Fashion week back in March earlier this year, he was the first fashion arbiter to inject style with a sugar rush. Stay ahead of the trend – and save yourself a fortune – by buying the ‘real’ thing here:
Only *slightly* sticky by the time I had spent about five minutes in the garden.
The biggest excitement of all though is that ALL of the chocolate these guys have on their shelves is imported from England. No weird, waxy, anti-melting agents here. My eyes widened at the sight of Flakes, Rolos, Curly Wurlys, Double Deckers, Fry’s Turkish Delight (my dirty secret – I love this particularly low grade rose-scented-jelly-stuff) and more.
There was even a can of Barr’s Iron Brew. Pronounced ‘Aye-ron Beroo’ and very much a product of Scotland, I had assumed production had ceased in or around the late 80s on the basis it is a truly hideous drink that only ever seemed to be available from rather ropey newsagents in and around train stations – think Scotland’s answer to Fanta but much, much worse.
It seems hilarious to be able to buy it here, relatively easily, when it’s near impossible to get hold of in England (will Wednesday’s result make it even harder?).
Other massive Brit hits that I am amazed have made it to Singapore were Monster Munch, Walkers prawn cocktail crisps, pink shrimps, Jaffa Cakes, Black Jacks and Fruit Salads, all of which still taste identical to how I remember them.
For kids for all ages, big or small – but mainly, and thankfully, things have been gobbled up by the small people in my household.
My Willie Wonker Hamper was courtesy of Tuck who now sell exclusively online.
I love a bit of arm candy 😉