When I started going to the gym properly rather than just faffing about, my muscles were often in such a state of protest, post work-out, that massage stopped being an indulgence and became a necessity. This makes Citra an awesome and important discovery because her massages aren’t just good, they are also extremely good value.
Based in Jakarta, she flies in to Singapore for a month at a time and returns every other month (a discreet text message tells you when she’s back in town). Her overheads here are minimal – no shop for instance, she comes to you – and her costs reflect that; she charges just $50 for 90 minutes worth of massage.
With over 20 years experience, when she’s not in Sing she’s working in one of Jakarta’s top spas (she has asked me not to say which one). Book her via SMS and she will arrive at your door in smart black uniform – trousers and a mandarin collared shirt, it’s all very professional – when she next has a time slot. This could be the very same day or she can be so booked up that it isn’t for 3.
I’m scouring Craig’s List daily at the moment to try to buy a second hand massage table that would be perfect to use for Citra’s visits. Until I’m successful, a thin matress from the market that goes on the floor and which can be stowed under my bed when it’s not being used, is the next best thing (I hate a massage on your actual bed as it’s too soft and bouncy).
Sadly I am not allowed to include a picture of her but she is a find that is worth sharing and supporting.
Citra: (+65) 8107 1997
Citra was introduced to me by my friend CB, my guru in all things Indonesian and/or Italian.
Massage image is courtesy of Pinnacle; massage table picture is from ukneadme
can you tell me where i can find to purchase a 2nd hand portable massage table? I will be staying near Orchard road.
You and me both…I want one too. Try Craig’s List – there’s a singapore version of this american great and it’s miles better than ebay is out here. Good luck!