Anyone else being driven MAD by their broadband not working properly? This one’s for you:
Blinking broadband. I mean this literally and figuratively. I CANNOT bear my old supplier (Starhub, if you’re asking – I have been with them for five, long years).
The blink-blink of my not-quite-connected broadband spawned a daily routine that went something like this: swearing profusely at the router, ‘on/offing’ the power for the ‘right’ amount of time (10 seconds? 1 minute? I never worked it out; five seconds, I can report, doesn’t seem to be long enough through). My last resort would be to…take a deep breath…and call them. After setting aside a good 30 minutes just to make it through the multiple choice options, the man on the other end of the line would eventually tell me that I had to ‘on/off the router’; it had become technical advice.
I can feel my blood pressure rising even as I type this….but as of today I am finally free of them. I am in love with my brand spanking new fibre broadband that was connected yesterday and is the biggest bandwidth you can find in Sing. My Republic – my new service providers – have been brilliant, easy to communicate with and get extra points for offering an online chat helpdesk option. I feel like I am back in the real world. The best bit? The 1,000mbps broadband costs just $59 a month.
I have no affiliation, whatsoever, with My Republic.
Image of My Republic broadband courtesy of Asia Tech News
You should try and deal with BT (british telecom)!
I HATE Starhub. Major connection issues for the past couple of months, have spent umpteen hours on the phone, had 2 visits from technicians, have replaced our router and it’s still no better. Am ready to explode! We are about to cancel our contract, may look into your recommendation.