Obviously there are lots of weird and wonderful things to buy in a wet market, but until yesterday – when I was shopping up a storm for a mid-week, girls only dinner party which centred heavily around an enormous salad – I had forgotten all about this beautiful, pale pink ginger flower that I was first introduced to by Kay on her tour of Tekka market.
Costing 80 cents a stem (at least that’s the price at Ghim Moh market), it’s an amazing addition to any salad and apart from adding a splash of colour, tastes fresh, fragrant and not really the least bit gingery.
My mother loves it so much that when she visits, she always buys three stems to take back to Dumfriesshire with her. She’s even devised a way she can chop it up and freeze it, but nothing beats using it fresh. The smaller, pointy end of the bud tastes best and just like when you are chopping celery, stop when it gets too massive.
Wet market stall image courtesy of Budgeting Tool