I love this and what’s more, it absolutely doesn’t count as cooking.
-The juice of 7 lemons (produces roughly one coffee cup of lemon juice)
-3/4 cup of sugar mixed and heated together with one cup of water to make a simple syrup
-4-5 cups of ice cold water (or fridge-cold soda water if you want fizz)
Make the syrup by mixing the sugar and the 1 cup of water together in a small saucepan over a low heat. Make sure the sugar dissolves completely (takes about 2 minutes).
Juice the lemons while the sugar is dissolving.
Sieve the lemon juice whilst pouring it in to a large jug, along with the now cool-ish syrup.
Add 4-5 cups of ice cold water (taste it before adding cup number 5 – you may feel it isn’t necessary), give it all a stir and…
…you’re done.
Lemon picture courtesy of Fit Sugar