*Whilst editing this article, there IS now someone rather better versed in Mac than Paul. They are called the Geek Team and they paid me a visit last week. Read my review of their services here.
I may be a wizz at helping companies get up and running with the right social media platform for their market, but ask me to do anything remotely technical and it brings me out in a sweat. And that’s not because we have no air con in the downstairs part of our little house but because we have so over complicated our lives with multi region Mac accounts (UK, US and SG) that I can’t make anything link up like it’s supposed to.
Apple TV may be a great invention but when it can only be linked to one iTunes store account and all your movies are held in the library of another, it’s extremely frustrating. Cue Paul High of High Tech solutions.
He is a roving computer chap who speaks idiot language as well as technical jargon. I could therefore communicate with him quite well. He somehow, brilliantly, created a cloud account (which we can all share in this house and which allows us access to all our movies, books and music); whilst their is nothing particularly clever in that – although do remember that we are dealing with multiple iTune accounts – he also enabled us to keep our individual email, calendar and photo accounts entirely separate without having to log in as another cloud user.
And what’s more, my clutch of computer leads hidden strategically behind a chair from my childhood but still clearly visible, no longer looks like this:
He’s not an Apple expert but he’s good enough. Try to get him to quote you for a fixed timeframe rather than per hour (he is $80 per hour).
He can also set up cloud solutions for non-Mac comps as well as sort you out with a home network, de-dupe and streamline all of your contacts and organise a fail safe back up system.
Paul High (+65) 9339 4517
Vintage Apple image courtesy of The Daily Telegraph