After a stroll to the water’s edge, just as the sun was sinking yesterday evening, we turned for home and made dinner.
Without further a-do, here is the recipe for a traditional Swedish sauce that is positively life-changing when eaten alongside some home-cured gravadlax…it also transforms store-bought gravadlax and perks up cold seafood no end.
I even love it slathered on a toasted rye and smoked salmon sandwich (my breakfast this morning).
20-30g 1 bunch of dill, chopped
3 tbs Swedish mustard (mine is Slotts brand but try Ikea)
3 tbs Dijon mustard
2 tbs sugar
good pinch of salt
liberal amounts of white pepper
2 tbs white wine vinegar
2 tbs rape seed oil or sunflower oil
Remove the stalks from the dill and finely chop the wispy leaves.
In a bowl – the one you are going to serve it in will be fine – mix the mustards, sugar, salt and pepper together. Add the vinegar and stir well.
Next add the oil, bit by bit, until you get the right consistency – you may not need the whole two tablespoons of it. Stir in each glug well before adding more; you will feel the sauce thickening.
Add the chopped dill and mix well.
Serve as a sauce with any fish you fancy, but I like it best with gravadlax or, failing that, smoked salmon.
It will keep, covered, in the fridge for a week or so.
Top image courtesy of Family Fresh Cooking